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Googan Squad Rip Blade Bait 1/4oz
  • Googan Squad Rip Blade Bait 1/4oz

    Whether you’re trying to catch a mondo or targeting species to “release to the grease,” the Rip blade bait has you covered. Throw this when fish are keyed on baitfish, whether they’re on the bottom or suspended in deep water. The versatility of this bait allows it to be fished on a standard cast and retrieve or yo-yo’d on the bottom. It can be the most effective when vertically jigged. To get the bait to vibrate, rip your rod tip up and let the bait fall back down on a semi-tight line so you can feel bites. Depending on water temps, adjust how aggressive the bait is fished. Colder temps may require more subtle action.

      $7.99 通常価格
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